Insider Gyaan provides 1x1 personal mentorship programs by IIT IIM ISB Alumni at the top of their professions, who can share their life stories and learnings with you, so that YOU can make informed decisions about your career
After completing our under-graduation & MBA from prestigious schools, and working in the industry for 8+ years, we have learnt valuable lessons the hard way, through our own mistakes. Access to "Quality Experience" is expensive, but we at Insider Gyaan make it easy for you, so that you can avoid doing the same mistakes while paving your desired career path
We Are Alumni..

We ourselves have gone through the grind of top undergraduate and business schools, like IIT, ISB, IIM, not a very long time ago. We understand your dilemmas, because we had the same. While we had to find our answers through a lot of hit and trial, we don't want you to go through it when we can give you easy access to our mistakes and experiences!
..With Full Time Jobs
Yes, we have full time jobs in sought-after fields of investment banking & consulting. That is how we are able to bring the latest "INSIDER" Gyaan to you. We have worked in India, US, Hong Kong and Singapore, & have a global perspective of things!

We Are Unbiased..

We will always give you brutally honest advice, even if that means asking you to defer that MBA admission by a year.
This initiative doesn't pay our bills (our full time job does), which is why our fee will always be nominal (less than 50% of industry standard), & we will always be upfront if we are not the right people to help you!
..But Selective
We are here to help you, only if you are serious about helping yourself. The first step for us to identify a serious mentee is to charge a nominal fee, and second step is your commitment to do your own research & introspection as well, rather than us spoon-feeding!